On August 25th local residents reported numerous dead trout in Wood Creek. West Vancouver District responded quickly to the incident and commenced an investigation including creek water analysis. The results of the investigation were inconclusive other than an acute toxic incident had taken place. The most likely cause was thought to be hot tub or swimming pool water being drained into the storm drain system and entering the creek through the culvert system. A total of 55 cutthroat trout were lost to the incident severely depleting the population. There was a similar incident in 2018 when a total of 40 cutthroat trout were lost. Currently there are a small number of small cutties remaining in the lower reach of the creek but most of the population has been lost. The current low creek levels cause the trout to accumulate in the few pools available and pollution incidents have a very severe impact.
On Semptember 9th WVSS volunteers accompanied a District Park Ranger hand delivering letters to residents whose properties have pools or hot tubs in the drainage area. The District have advised that copies of the letter will be sent to all residents as well as the pool maintenance companies who are known to work in the area.
Please find a copy of the letter below.
